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Head Back to School with doTERRA’s Essential Oils


As the new school year begins, it’s time to think about taking extra precautions to keep our kids healthy. And doTERRA, a Utah-based essential oils company, is here to help you do just that. With their line of products specifically formulated for back-to-school immunity support, you can ensure that your family stays healthy and protected all year long. The Kids Oil Connection, a unique collection of essential oil blends designed with little ones in mind, is a must-have for every parent. 


Whether you’re new to essential oils or an experienced practitioner, the doTERRA Kids Collection is the complete and ready-made “whole body” essential oil toolbox that empowers caregivers to confidently care for the health and wellness of their little ones. These blends are formulated to be gentle on delicate skin while providing powerful benefits for developing minds, bodies, and emotions. 


Plus, with the Kids Collection bag, you can conveniently carry all your favorite roll-ons with you wherever you go. But doTERRA doesn’t stop there; they also offer a2z Chewable, a proprietary formula of ingredients developed with children and adults who have difficulty swallowing capsules in mind. Packed with B vitamins and a blend of Vitamins A, C, and E, as well as botanical extracts, a2z Chewable supports healthy cell development and longevity when taken daily. When combined with the Wild Orange-flavored IQ Mega Omega-3 fish oil, it becomes a comprehensive dietary supplement that supports healthy immunity, cognitive function, and antioxidant protection.


In addition to these products, doTERRA On Guard is another essential oil blend that provides immune support when used internally. It’s one of doTERRA’s bestselling blends and protects against environmental and seasonal threats. You can also use it as a non-toxic surface cleaner or diffuse it to freshen the air and enjoy its energizing and uplifting aroma. With doTERRA’s essential oils, you can head back to school with confidence, knowing that you have the tools to support your family’s health and well-being. 

Visit doTERRA.com to learn more about their products and start your journey to a healthier lifestyle today. Remember, prevention is the best medicine, and with the firm´s essential oils, you can give your family the support they need to thrive in the new school year. So, embrace the power of nature and start incorporating essential oils into your daily routine. Stay healthy, stay happy, and have a great school year!