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Ross Cameron On Teaching Day Trading


Ross Cameron knows a lot of people are interested in day trading. They see it as a way to work from home and earn more money than they could make in a traditional job. There is a low upfront investment in day trading, but it is not as easy as ju8st buying a stock and then selling it.

There are no guarantees of success. Day traders buy and sell very quickly, often on the same day. Day traders can work for financial service companies. But, many work for themselves, like Ross Cameron. 


If you want to work for yourself, you will have to learn about short-term trends, market headlines and more. Ross Cameron teaches these strategies to help new day traders have the best chance of making money, not losing it. 

YouTube Sensation Ross Cameron

Ross Cameron is confident that the strategies he writes books about and blogs about can work. In 2017, he took less than $600 and turned it into $100,000 in less than two months (Crunchbase). 

Cameron admits most day traders lose money. The financial mentor and trader has a YouTube video about the subject. Still, people who lost their job during the Covid-19 pandemic or who live in an area with limited employment opportunities find day trading attractive. Ross Cameron wants to help them avoid losing money.